High Absorbency PADS,*GENERAL PURPOSE*,16"x20x1/8"",Natural Cellulose, Bale of 200,ABS34302
MSRP: $198.00
You Save: $60.00 (30 %)
Manufacturer: Absorption Corp
Manufacturer Part No: 134302
PHTS Number: ABS34302
* Whole number only
Compare Absorbent W and GP versus Polypropylene and Clay
- Liquids are absorbed into the fibers of Absorbent W and GP - Liquids adhere to the exterior surfaces of clay, poly, and diatomaceous earth
- Absorbed liquids are retained, they do not leach or drain
- Absorbs instantly on contact
Absorbs up to 6 times more than mineral sorbents (clay, diatomaceous earth)
Tough - won't rip easily and withstands forklift & foot traffic
- Absorbs all liquids except strong inorganic acids and caustics
- Anti-static
- Non-abrasive - will not damage machinery or equipment
Works in all temperatures, sub-freezing to hot!
ITS GREEN!! - 100% ORGANIC - Environmentally Friendly!
- Environmentally safe with several disposal options:
- LANDFILL - Passes and exceeds Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and Paint Filter Test (PFT) - WILL NOT LEACH OR DRAIN, ELIMINATES FREE LIQUIDS
INCINERATION - High BTU's,Clean burning and low ash.
BIOREMEDIATION - Biodegradable, will break down to natural organic elements with use of microbial enzyme action.